"Keep Frisco On Track"
#1 - Thriving Partnerships
Frisco’s massive success is due to our thriving partnerships with developers, our school districts, corporations, healthcare systems and higher education institutions.
A culture of thriving partnership must be prioritized as we finalize Frisco’s buildout. We must also deepen the relationship with our existing partners with reinvestment like the recent renovations at Comerica Center and upcoming updates to Toyota Stadium.
Our most important partner has been you, the Frisco resident. You have trusted Frisco to pursue some big dreams and with your support those dreams are now realities.
#2 - Pioneering Innovation
I believe that public safety is the number one priority for a community. I believe that the integration of technological innovations and artificial intelligence can further enhance the high quality performance of our first responders. In addition to public safety enhancements, I believe that we can lead the way in AI technology to alleviate one of the few frustrations of living in Frisco, traffic congestion.
#3 - Leveraging Economics
The City of Frisco has one of the lowest effective tax rates in the region. A main contributor to this lower tax rate is the leveraged use of sales tax revenue. Through our Community Development and Economic Development Corporations we are able to create funding sources to help strategically fund parks, projects and attract employers that many other communities would have to fund through their property taxes. By continuing to invest in Frisco as a destination location and leveraging sales tax revenues, we are able to keep our property taxes lower.
Josh Meek's Priorities For Frisco
Keep Frisco Safe | Maintain Low Property Tax Rate | Traffic Congestion Relief | Road Infrastructure Reinvestment | Grow Our Sales Tax Revenue